
ResearchOS is a global community of researchers from all over the globe, who get together to develop their craft, network and find each other interesting work opportunities.

While the conversations are powered by our members, there's a whole load of work and investment in the background that goes into managing, organising and keeping the community active and relevant for you, our members.

If you have enjoyed or benefitted from our activities in the past and would like to support the work we do, you have two options to become a Community Contributor:

Monthly contribution


One-off contribution

Whenever you like

Two options. The choice is yours!

What you can expect as a member:

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LinkedIn group

A place to store all content produced by the community, to interact with other members and post useful links, resources and work opportunities.

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Whatsapp group

Having trouble solving a work problem or need a second opinion? Have an interesting work opportunity? Post it in our group, so other members can pitch in and find you good referals.

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Increase your

LinkedIn visibility

In our page, we will publish the collective work produced by community members in order to attract potential new clients for them.

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Resource Library

A repository of usefull content, such as recordings from our webinars, articles, colaborative databases and podcast episodes.

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Monthly Meetings

One hour online sessions where members get together to share knowledge, network globaly and brainstorm around daily challenges.

Frequently asked questions

How do you select members to be part of the community?

We believe our members know best when it comes to identifying gaps in our membership. That's why, once you have submitted your application, it will be reviewed by our internal team and a small cohort of members. We want the community to be inclusive, welcoming and diverse and will do what we can to keep it this way.

Who is the community for?

ResearchOS is open to researchers of all types: qualitative, quantitative, UX-focused or academic.

While some of our members are employed in agencies or embedded into businesses, the majority operate as freelancers, contractors or own independent research-centred businesses.

Do I have to take part in every activity?

Our aim is to provide valuable activities that are suited to the needs of our members. Take part in the ones that speak most to you and fit around your schedule. We're always open to new ideas too!

Can I invite friends and colleagues to participate?

Sure! We believe that the greater the diversity of professionals we have, the more enriching our discussions, mentoring and reports will be. Plus, for every new member you nominate, you get a months membership free.